Effects of eating onions by mistake on Great Pyrenees

<p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">Onions are one of the rare dishes that people eat, but this kind of food cannot be eaten by pet dogs. In addition to onions, highly irritating foods such as chilies, peppers, Sichuan peppercorns, onions, and garlic are not suitable for eating by exposed bear dogs (certain recommendations). Do you want to know why this is? Today, the editor will work with you to find out!

<p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;text-align:left ;">Expose the bear

<p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">Because onions contain a toxic ingredient called propylene glycol Based on bisulfide, it was found that after being eaten by bear dogs, hemoglobin can be oxidized into Heinz's corpuscles. The reticuloendothelial system occupies a large number of red blood cells containing Heinz's corpuscles, causing acute hemolytic anemia and harming bone marrow damage in dogs. The robustness of the dog.

<p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">For bears, onions are an irritating food. This kind of food will irritate the dog. The dog's gastrointestinal tract can cause gastrointestinal inflammation and also affect the dog's feelings. According to research, exposed bear dogs with different body weights also have unusual reactions to eating onions with different weights.

<p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">For example, a exposed bear dog weighing about 15-25 kilograms will eat an average-sized dog After eating onions, severe anemia may occur after 7-8 days. If the breeder observes carefully, you will find that 1-2 days after the dog eats onions, the dog may have red or dark red hemoglobin in the urine. At the same time, the dog may also experience vomiting, diarrhea, and depression. , symptoms such as palpitations and splenomegaly may occur.

<p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">If the owner feeds onions to the dog for a long time, the dog will suffer from chronic poisoning, jaundice and hematoma. Symptoms such as deficiency. When an owner discovers onion poisoning in a bear dog, he should immediately stop raising onions. Dogs with severe symptoms should also be given glucose, etc., and at the same time, subcutaneous injection of cardiotonic agents such as sodium sodium chloride and diuretics should be administered.Blood transfusions should also be given if necessary.

<p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">If the dog is found to have serious symptoms, it is best for the owner to send it to a pet hospital for treatment immediately Adjustments should be made to avoid exposure and loss of life of bear dogs.

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