How to raise marine fish of the family Chrysanthemum

The way of raising seawater fish of the family Chrysanthemum

Golden fish belong to the order Goldeneye Snapper and are deep-sea fish. They are very easy to raise and have low requirements for their feeding environment and food. Golden fish are carnivores, and they have huge mouth slits that can swallow small fish. It is a nocturnal fish and will hide when the lights are on, so if you keep it in an aquarium, you can rarely see them swimming around. They hide in rock caves and gloomy places during the day, and only come out at dusk.

If raised artificially, they will also eat the food you provide during the day, but it will take a period of training . Most golden scale fish cannot receive artificial feed. It is best to feed them with shrimp meat. They are very edible, but their growth rate is not fast. The golden scale fish that are just raised are usually bright red, but they will gradually fade after a few weeks of raising, and some individuals even turn white. It is speculated that it may be related to the depth of the water.

The ideal living environment of the golden scale fish is a large enough saltwater tank (more than 300 liters), enough stones and a sealed lid. It is best to enter the tank at the same time, which will reduce the attack on new fish by the original small group. If there is enough space for movement and hiding place, it will get along well with similar fish.

1. Gem bigeye snapper

How to raise seawater fish of the family Chrysanthemum
Gem bigeye bream

The tail of this fishThe ba is in the shape of a swallow's tail, and its face is light red to bright red.An aquarium of over 600 liters should be maintained, providing sufficient live rocks and exercise space. If the tank legs are large enough, it is very suitable for small group breeding. It is a nocturnal fish. If the lights are on, it will hide and wait for darkness to come out, and then come out to look for food. Will eat invertebrates, such as sea worms, crustaceans and snakes and starfish. When they first enter the tank, use live shrimp to lure them into opening their mouths. After opening, the food includes live bait shrimp and frozen shrimp.

Two, short-saw bigeye snapper

The body is orange to red, with a few white freckles. The dorsal fin is feathery, and the rest of the fins are black inlaid.An aquarium of more than 350 liters should be kept, providing enough live rocks, hiding places and enough space for movement. If you have enough space and a hiding place, you can coexist peacefully with other species. Will eat invertebrates, such as various worms, crustaceans and snake-tailed starfish. It is a nocturnal fish and will hide when there is light. Food includes a variety of live shrimp, frozen shrimp and other chopped animal bait.

3. General A

How to raise seawater fish of the family Chloropodidae
General A

The bright red figure wears thin bright white horizontal stripes.An aquarium of over 350 liters should be maintained, providing sufficient live rocks and exercise space. If there is enough space for movement and hiding place, it will get along well with similar fish. Will eat sea worms, crustaceans, and snake stars. It is a nocturnal fish and will hide when the lights are on. When they first enter the tank, use live brine shrimp to entice them to open their mouths. Food can provide live feed shrimp, frozen shrimp, and chopped seafood.

4. Black-finned Bream

Unlike other fish, the color of this fish will become more and more complex as the fish ages.Make it bright. When young, the body and fins are covered with brown to red patches. The fish develops a bright red color after adulthood.An aquarium of over 350 liters should be maintained, providing sufficient live rocks and exercise space. If the tank legs are large enough, it is very suitable for small group breeding. It is a nocturnal fish. If the lights are on, it will hide and wait for darkness to come out, and then come out to look for food. Will eat invertebrates, such as sea worms, crustaceans and snakes and starfish. When they first enter the tank, use live shrimp to lure them into opening their mouths. After opening, the food includes live bait shrimps, frozen shrimps, and various chopped seafood.

