Great Dane (Definite Introduction)
The Great Dane combines the three advantages of dignity, strength, and elegance at the same time. It has an imperial appearance, a huge body that combines strength and beauty, and combines smooth muscles. It is one of the great working dogs, but only if its general form is suitably balanced, never clumsy, with long forequarters and strong hindquarters.
Morphological characteristics
From a complete point of view, male Great Dane dogs are stronger than female dogs, with longer frames and thicker bones. The ratio of height to body length is a square ratio. Great Dane female dogs with normal development may be longer in stature. A thick, clumsy body and a lack of muscle are both bad. Great Dane male dogs should have a shoulder height of not less than 76cm, but the ideal shoulder height is 81cm or higher (the ratio of height to body length is appropriate); Great Dane female dogs should have a shoulder height of not less than 71cm, but the ideal shoulder height Height is 76cm or more (an appropriate ratio of height to body length for a Great Dane). Any Great Dane that does not reach the minimum height at the withers shall be disqualified.
The head of the Great Dane is rectangular, long, expensive, rich in complexion, and has statue-like lines, which are generally beautiful, especially under the eyes. Viewed from the side, there will be an obvious separation between the forehead and the bridge of the nose (a particularly obvious stop). The forehead and nose lines are both straight and parallel to each other. The lower part of the forehead and the inner corners of the eyes must be tilted, but the bones should not be protruding, and the tone should be rectangular and deep (floating lips do not meet the requirements). The male dog's head structure is clear and distinctive, while the female dog's head structure appears delicate and gentle. Viewed from above, the two sides of the skull are parallel to each other and the bridge of the nose is as wide as possible. Cheek muscles do not appear excessive. The length from the center of the stop of the nose is approximately the length from the center of the stop to the occipital bone; viewed from all angles, the head should be angular and have a clear plane. The size of the head should be consistent with the size of the Great Dane. into an appropriate ratio.
1. Eyes: medium size; deep seat; dark complexion; bright and intelligent eyes. Almond-shaped; eyelids tight. Eyebrows flourish. Mongolian eyes and excessive sagging of the lower eyelid are serious faults. The eyes of the Harlequin should be black. Light-colored eyes, different colors in the eyes, and colored spots in the eyes are allowed, but not acceptable.
2. Ears: The ears are set high at the base, of average size and thickness. The ears are folded toward the cheek, with the crease in line withThe top of the head is in the universal plane. If the ears are cropped, the length of the ears should be proportional to the head and eventually established.
3. Nose: It should be black, except that blue Great Danes are allowed to have dark blue noses, and harlequin Great Danes are allowed to have black noses with freckles (pink noses are not allowed). A split nose is a disqualification.
4. Teeth: strong, white and healthy. The lower incisors should lightly touch the inner edge of the base of the upper incisors (scissor bite). An overshot bite is a particularly serious fault.
Overbite or crooked teeth in the upper jaw are serious faults. A pincer bite or misalignment of the front teeth are minor faults.
Back of the neck
The neck is strong, set high, arched, long and muscular. It gradually widens and blends smoothly into the shoulders. The neck surface is clean. The withers slope smoothly into the short, flat back and broad loin. Chest broad, deep and well muscled. The forechest is well developed but does not extend significantly beyond the sternum. The chest is deep to the elbows and the ribs are well sprung. The muscles on the lower side of the body are developed and lifted up to create a beautiful arc.
The hips are wide and very slightly slanted. The tail is set high, smooth and connected with the buttocks, but not in the same plane as the back, but a continuation of the spine. The tail is broad at the base and thin at the top, all hanging down to the hock. When resting, the tail hangs straight down. When excited or running, the tail will be slightly bent (saber-shaped), but it should never be higher than the plane of the back. Curved tails and hooked tails are faults. Tail docking is a disqualification.
Viewed from the side, they are thick and muscular. The shoulder blades are strong and skewed. The angle created by the shoulder blade and forearm is simply a right angle. The straight line from the top of the shoulder blade to the back of the elbow is almost straight to the ground. The muscles and ligaments intersecting the shoulders and ribs are particularly strong and strong, preventing loose shoulders. The shoulder blades are the same length as the forearm, and the elbow is located 1/2 from the withers to the ground. The thick ankles are slightly skewed. The paws are round and close, with the toes well arched and pointing neither in nor out. The toenails should be short, thick, and probably dark in color. The toenails of the Great Dane may be light in color. The dewclaws may or may not be removed.
Hindquarters are thick, broad, muscular and well angulated; hocks as short as possible. Viewed from the back, the hocks are clean and straight, turning neither in nor out. The claws of the hind legs are round and close, with the toes well arched and pointing neither in nor out. The toenails should be short, thick, and probably dark in color. The toenails of the Great Dane may be light in color. Dewclaws on the hind limbs are a serious fault.
The coat is exceptionally short and deep, smooth and lustrous. The coat is short, thick, clean, smooth and shiny.
The coat color, markings and color type of the Great Dane should be tiger stripe type; light yellowish brown type; blue type; black type; pattern type; pure white neckgood.
The gait shows strength and power, with a long and brisk stride. The Great Dane's body and backline do not sway or vibrate. The topline remains level and parallel to the ground. The forelimbs are extended and the hind limbs provide strong and stable driving force. When the speed decreases, the Great Dane's hands and feet will naturally close toward the bottom of the body and the core line. Elbows and hocks turn neither in nor out.