The Spinone Dog (confirmed introduction)
The shape of the Spinone tends to be rectangular, with height and body length approximately equal to each other. The shoulder height of males is about 23 to 27 inches, and the shoulder height of females is about 22 to 25 inches. The body weight is proportional to the size. This dog has a strong structure, good spirit, and plenty of bone.
The surface of the Spinone's head is very special. Complexion is extremely important for this species. Should show wisdom and gentleness. The eyes are gentle and large. The eyes are far apart and round. They are neither over nor sunken. The eye circles generally vary according to the color of the coat. The nose is bulbous and spongy, with a rounded upper edge and large nostrils; the ears are triangular, positioned at the same level as the eyes or slightly shorter, hanging downward. The auricles are delicate and covered with short, deep hair.
The neck is thick, thick and muscular. The topline is composed of two parts. The first part slopes slightly downward from the withers to the eleventh thoracic vertebra, and the second part gradually rises. , spreading to a firm and arched waist. The rump muscles are well developed, and the tail is accustomed to being higher than the back or straight forward in work. If the tail is docked, it generally remains 6-8 inches.
Upon inspection, the forelimbs are very straight and have strong bones; the thighs are thick and muscular. The skin is very thick and close to the body. The skin is slightly loose on the head, throat, groin, under the legs, and at the elbow joint folds.
The coat is deep, hard, flat and not curved. Colors include pure white; white and orange. The main position and function of the Pinot Dog is that of a gun dog. The purpose of breeding is to need a multi-purpose hound that can cover the largest area of land with the minimum effort. This is a requirement for a multi-purpose gun hound.