Curly-coated Parade Hound p>
Curly-Coated Retriever (Curly-Coated Retriever), native to the United Kingdom, is a curly-coated retriever. As the name suggests, its coat is curly. His independence and calmness prevent him from being shy or complacent. In a dog show, a curly-coated retriever with a correct temperament will stand firm in its position and have good follow-through; in the wilderness, a curly-coated retriever is very caring, firm, and naturally courageous; at home, it appears to be Peaceful and peaceful. The Curly Coated Retriever is one of the oldest retrieving dogs and has amazing sense and recall.
Chinese name:Curly-coated Retriever
Chinese nickname:Curly-coated patrol dog, curly-coated retriever
English name :Curly-CoatedRetriever
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Subphylum Vertebrate
Class: Mammalia
Subclass: Eutheria
Breed: Breed
Subspecies: Curly Retriever
Size: strong>Medium-sized dogs
Lifespan:8 years-12 years
Body weight:(male) 30-35kg, (female) 30-35kg
Size: (male) 68.5cm, (female) 63.5cm
Suitable for use:hound hunting