Four things you should pay attention to when bathing your Pomeranian. Feeding yo

<p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">Unless there are special reasons, your beauty should not be bathed too often. It is best to bathe your beauty no more than two to three times a year. Adult hair should be rough to the touch. Do you know that excessive bathing will remove the oil?

<p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;text-align:left;">< strong>Exclusive beauty bath

Four things you should pay attention to when bathing a beautiful dog and raising a beautiful dog
Specialized Dogs (confirmed introduction)

<p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">Bath Things that should be paid attention to when bathing

<p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">First, be sure to comb the coat before bathing, so as to avoid tangling. Combing all knotted hairs prevents the coat from becoming more tangled, and can also remove large pieces of dirt for easy cleaning. Especially around the mouth, behind the ears, armpits, inner thighs, tips of toes, etc., the areas that you don’t want people to comb the most should be combed and cleaned. When combing your dog, in order to reduce and avoid the pain of your dog, you can hold the root of the hair with one hand and comb it with the other hand.

<p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">Second, the temperature of the bathing water should not be too high or too low. Generally, it is 36℃ in spring and 36℃ in winter. 37℃ is the most suitable.

<p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">Third, be sure to prevent shampoo from flowing into your eyes or ears when bathing. Be sure to flush thoroughly, noKeep the soap foam or shampoo on your body to prevent skin irritation and dermatitis.

<p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">Fourth, bathing the beauty should be done in the morning or noon, not when the air humidity is high or it is rainy Take a bath when the weather is right. Immediately after washing, blow with a hair dryer or wipe with a towel. Don't expose your beauty after bathing to the sun.

<p style="font-family:"times new roman";font-size:medium;">Because a lot of oil on the coat can be removed after bathing, this reduces the beauty's ability to withstand the cold and The skin's resistance can easily lead to colds and even pneumonia when it is hot or cold.

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